The Headteacher and staff are always ready to meet with parents to discuss any matters involving their children. It is important however to make an appointment beforehand. A special meeting will be held in the summer term for parents of children who are starting in the nursery class in September. Parents, staff and children are asked to sign a joint home-school agreement, under section 110(1) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, to ensure the establishment of a partnership for the good of the pupil. Arrangements can also be made for parents to view the school by appointment with the Headteacher.
Formal parental interviews are held in the Autumn term where our parents receive a report card. The purpose of these meetings is to allow Parent's the opportunity to discuss their child's progress with the teacher. A further report card is sent out in the spring term for parents to have a formal update on their child's progress. A full detailed report is given at the end of the summer term where parents are invited to discuss it with the teacher. Parents are encouraged to help their children by providing support at home especially for reading. The home/school reading partnership is essential to pupils' progress.
Parents are invited to as many school functions as possible e.g. Christmas concerts, Sports' Day and fund-raising events. We hope to create an informal and welcoming atmosphere where parents feel happy to come into school, especially if they have a problem. It is however important that appointments are made if you wish to see the Headteacher or a member of staff and report to the main entrance front desk in the first instance. We also welcome telephone calls from parents if they have a problem.
What We Are Proud Of
Growth Mindset Philosophy
We wholeheartedly believe that all children can achieve, we just have different starting points
Enriched Curriculum
We are very fortunate to have a staff of experts in various fields that assists us in enriching our curriculum. This includes: using the locality, onsite enrichment through external companies and partners, off site visits and residential trips
To inspire the next generation of Engineers and Scientists, we utilise projects such as the Green Goblin Car competition and links with industrial partners such as Renishaw to enrich our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics curriculum
A School for All
Our inclusive and ALN based philosophy with supported individualised education at its heart
Developing Teachers and
Leaders of the Future
As a school we have a philosophy of continual professional development of our staff. We are privileged to be a Lead Training School for Cardiff Metropolitan University for their PGCE and BA Ed teaching students
Curriculum for Wales
We are an adaptive, creative thinking, risk taking staff who are willing to think outside the box to provide the very best education for our pupils