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A Welcome from our Chair of Governors

I have a long and happy association with Nottage Primary, from my own days here as a pupil through to seeing the impact the school has had on my five children. I am delighted to be able to contribute to the school’s mission through my work as a governor.

Nottage Primary is a community school. It is shaped by and seeks to shape the community it serves. We are lucky at Nottage to benefit from a spacious campus with impressive facilities and well-equipped classrooms which provide a healthy, caring and safe environment. However the most important aspect of any school is its people. At Nottage Primary our superb teachers and dedicated support staff combine the possibilities afforded by our facilities and by their own creativity and expertise to provide an outstanding educational experience for our pupils. Teachers make the most of the opportunities afforded by the Curriculum for Wales to enable pupils to experience a broad learning experience that is inspiring and engaging. The school has recently embedded outdoor learning in its provision, enabling pupils to consolidate and develop their classroom-based learning in exciting and practical ways.

Learning extends further beyond the classroom through the provision of a wide variety of clubs and activities during lunchtimes and after school, including (amongst others) sports, languages, music and drama.

Nottage seeks to provide an excellent learning experience for all pupils, with a strong inclusive ethos embodied by the school motto ‘Together We Can’. Pupils are enabled and supported to achieve their full potential. This is evident in the individualised approach to learning for all learners, including those with additional learning needs and the more able and talented.

The school works with parents and carers, with the governing body, with the PTA and with the local community to support each of its pupils and to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and experience that will enable them take their next steps with confidence, pleasure, and pride in what they have accomplished here. As Chair of the Governing Body, it is an honour to watch them develop into the amazing young people they are.

Dr Liz Wren-Owens, Chair of the Governing Body


School Governors

School governors play an important role in the life of our school. Their duties include:

  • setting the strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the budget
  • reviewing progress against the budget and objectives
  • challenging and supporting senior staff
  • playing a part in appointing staff

The governing body in schools is made up of:

  • staff representatives, including the headteacher
  • community governors, including parents
  • other local sponsors, like businesses

Each governor usually serves a term of four years and they are elected by nomination and formal ballot. Parents are informed when an opportunity arises for election as a parent governor. This is an excellent way to support your child's school and gain insight into how our school operates.


Meet Our Governors

What We Are Proud Of

Growth Mindset Philosophy

We wholeheartedly believe that all children can achieve, we just have different starting points

Enriched Curriculum

We are very fortunate to have a staff of experts in various fields that assists us in enriching our curriculum. This includes: using the locality, onsite enrichment through external companies and partners, off site visits and residential trips


To inspire the next generation of Engineers and Scientists, we utilise projects such as the Green Goblin Car competition and links with industrial partners such as Renishaw to enrich our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics curriculum

A School for All

Our inclusive and ALN based philosophy with supported individualised education at its heart

Developing Teachers and
Leaders of the Future

As a school we have a philosophy of continual professional development of our staff. We are privileged to be a Lead Training School for Cardiff Metropolitan University for their PGCE and BA Ed teaching students

Curriculum for Wales

We are an adaptive, creative thinking, risk taking staff who are willing to think outside the box to provide the very best education for our pupils

From Our Photo Gallery